Welcome to Halloween Choice!
year in the lead up to Halloween both children and their parents become
excited when anticipating the harmless fun and harum-scarum to be had
at this ancient Pagan festival. It is clear that most
supermarkets and local shops cater widely for Halloween revellers and
it has become almost as big a commercial hit as Christmas itself.
This website is dedicated to provide information and facilities to
thoroughly enjoy the festival of Halloween and show you how you can
safely look forward to it every year without having to run the gauntlet
of the lies and sectarian propaganda put out by the Church of
England in its attempts to devalue the religious beliefs of pagans
Of course, the people who run the
Church of England would never DARE attack Moslem, Hindu or Jewish
festivals and twist the true meaning of these religions into some kind
of imagined child-abuse but then the Cof E can't keep its own house in
order anyway as it's failure to control its evangelical wing has
clearly shown. The anti-homosexual evangelical wing has virtually
taken over and is now terrorising liberal vicars in a new
Protestant Inquisition. Their campaign to ban Halloween is simply the
next step. Of course it would help if these troublemaking
evangelists who are constantly trying to frighten parents with supposed
threats to their children, came clean and admitted that when compared
with the increasing incidences of the abuse of thousands of
children by priests and vicars world-wide, the threat to children
from Halloween is non-existent when compared with sick churchmen who do
the vilest things to small children. In fact, as police
enquiries have shown, in many instances the churches work to protect
child abusing priests and find them hidey holes so they cannot be
brought to book. Is the Church of England's campaign against
Halloween and paganism simply a smoke-screen to misdirect the public's
attention away from child-abusing priests? Make up your own mind
using the links on this website, but you don't have to be Grim and
think of these things at Halloween this year - you can just enjoy
yourself instead and allow your children safe harmless fun, free from
the scaremongering of hypocrites from the Church of England.
Visitors to HalloweenChoice.Org may not remember that it was fundamentalist Christians like those taking a crack at the pagan religion over Halloween, who started the Satanic Panic of the 1990s in which 86 Children and their innocent parent's lives were utterly destroyed by viscious scaremongering by churchmen who intended to devalue, discredit and turn the population against non-Christian beliefs by making the most atrocious untrue allegations about babies being cooked in microwave ovens and then eaten.
Astonishing though it sounds in the cold light of today these utterly untrue allegations caused a wave of intolerance and pushed the authorities into wasting over 26 million pounds worth of taxpayers money on a sequence of false investigations resulting from the figment of the imaginations of Clerics like the ones who are now warning you about Halloween. That 26 million could have gone to protect and succour children in real need but was completey wasted due to the bigoted, short-sighted, self-interest of ignorant do-gooders who thought they could stampede public opinion against competing beliefs and stop their pews emptying by the thousands due to their congregations having detected the inadequacy of the Church of England to today's world.
So here is your Halloween Choice brothers and sisters. You can listen to the lies of churchmen as you did before, and hide your head in the sand, thinking that you are 'helping' some child somewhere, whilst stopping children having fun at Halloween. Or you can tell the snipe nosed killjoys that their evil propaganda only serves to display their true worth (or lack of it) and that you refuse to bow to their control mechanisms and will ensure that you and your children, and the children down your street, have a happy time this Halloween.
Halloween causes irrepairable Damage to Children?The Church of England is campaigning to get major retailers to stop stocking Halloween Joke masks and costumes. They insist that dressing up can somehow cause irrepairable long-term psychological damage! Does this also apply to their Nativity Plays?, After all I once saw a person dressed up as virtually naked man hanging on a cross with blood running down his head from thorns piercing his scalp and with a gaping gash in his abdomen dripping blood whilst having nails hammered through his hands and feet into a wooden cross. We certainly wouldn't want children to see something like that would we? Anyone with any common sense knows that the only irrepairable damage Halloween causes is to the future of killjoys in the Church of England because ordinary folk are sick to the eye-teeth of listening to these harbingers of doom trying to stop children having fun and enjoying themselves. |
![]() This 1496 woodcut depicts a rotting corpse carrying it's own coffin and is a good example of the Christian abberation of 'memento mori' - illustrations designed to remind the populace of the immanence of their own death and terrorise them into compliance with Christian religious doctrines. The church has a long history of horrific depictions of this kind yet has the cheek to complain about Halloween! |